During the pandemic Carl and Justin got together to talk about the club they could no longer go and watch - Watford FC. The concept was simple - talk about the Hornets like you would if you were in the pub - nothing held back, no opinion, no point of view was too strong be it positive or negative.
At the end of season one, the Hornets were back in the Premier League and other fans started showing up on the pod with increasing regularity. Peter from You 'Orns TV turned up and no one has yet asked him why he was here or if he might want to leave.
The podcasts became more regular more opinionated and then we added post match twitter space "phone ins" after matches which have grown and grown. Fans join in to give their reaction to events on the field and off the field and occasionally Carl gets bitten by a horse (don't ask!).
Lot's of interaction with other Watford fan media channels has seen Tom (Golden Pages), Pidge (TMA TV) and Colin (YBR), along with others, vanquish Carl in the rather sweary Watford Trivia Quiz Penalty Shoot Out nonsense that we called the "World vs Carl" and the language deteriorated so much that the bleep machine simply blew up!!!
As season two came to an end the Hornets are back down to the Championship following a shambles of a season on the pitch - but lots of humour and funny tantrums off it!!
Everyone is welcome, all the diverse opinions are listened to and quality assurance is never guaranteed.
Here's to season four!!!!